What We Do

We automate your XL based reporting by converting your XL models and reports to our CRE product REMBASE: a Microsoft SQL Server database / reporting system: Property operating budgets w/ GL and tenant detail, budget to actual variance reporting, short and long term tenant and GL forecasting, RE taxes, insurance, CAM and TAX year ends, prospect tracking and new deal analysis, same space comps, lease and property abstracts, maintenance / work orders, utilities, service contracts, lease provisions, critical date tracking, workflow and action prioritization, process management, powerful contact management, estoppel preparation, tax appeal detail and backup, on-line tenant correspondence, rental rate competition tracking, property valuation history, more. Keep and link to your existing PM and GL system(s). Use our integrated process tracking benchmarks for ongoing and measurable improvements in the speed and accuracy (six sigma like) to drive down cost. Double the productivity of your Lease Admin and Finance staff, or more. We do not underestimate the complexity of your XL files. It’s detailed work but it’s a logical process with proven results. We automate and organize all of your non cash lease and property data and processes. We deliver an efficient reporting tool far more powerful than XL that enables 1 person to do more accurate work than 2 or more.

How your company benefits

Lower Your Operating Costs: You can save hundreds of thousands of dollars a year by making the switch from XL. Empowered and motivated super users can work 2x - 5x faster with better accuracy.

Attract PM Clients / Investor Capital: We tailor your reporting to match client / investors' requirements for transparency, accuracy and timeliness, optionally published online via Microsoft Sharepoint report distribution.

Measure and Improve Performance: We will deliver a reporting tool that enables the ongoing pursuit of this goal: How fast and how accurately can you deliver the reports? Very few CRE firms measure (reporting) base line cost, that is the basis of Six Sigma, TQM, and similar processes. Do this one thing, and a much leaner and more efficient organization will follow. REMBASE automates this. How many hours/dollars does it now take to produce budgets, reforecasts, year ends, and other non cash reporting? Measure this, centralize and automate these processes, and drive down these costs.

Team Focus: We will lead a small focused team to bring excellence, excitement, passion and teamwork to your reporting processes. See the book ‘Hot Groups’ by Harold Leavitt to understand the REMBASE team leadership mindset .

Proven Model: We’ve done this, for companies with thousands of tenants, with a proven and fully scalable CRE Microsoft SQL Database Structure, for very powerful and flexible report generation. Run it from one central server or blade, with no desktop installs. Low IT cost to implement, best deployed in a Citrix or similar environment, using less costly netbooks vs notebooks.

Low Risk: We are replacing your XL files only, so it is SARBOX compliant. All data can be easily exported to XL on demand. We use standard Microsoft products (Visual Basic, SQL Server, Transact SQL language, Sharepoint) that are universally supported core technologies and will exist substantially unchanged for years to come. Our contract allows you to cancel at any time with no penalty, for any reason. We will earn your trust before you commit.

Automate Report Distribution with MS Sharepoint: Distribute REMBASE pdf reports via Microsoft Sharepoint, for customized, secure, well supported, efficient and low costdistribution to all stakeholders. Collect and report on critical tenant credit barometers like debt ratios that flag tenant defaults and go darks well before they happen, keeping stakeholders well abreast of portfolio risk. Lower your carbon footprint by allowing stakeholders to print their own reports.

The Lease (Contract) : The primary / core table in REMBASE is the Lease Contract table that defines the legal contractual agreement between the landlord and tenant, ending with the lease expiration date. Because so much reporting depends on the terms of this contract (year ends, TI and effective rents, options to renew and cancel, critical dates, same space reporting, legal lease provisions), REMBASE also serves as an exceptionally strong lease contract management system – it stores and automates the terms and conditions of the Lease. You can also link a (pdf, doc) file to this contract record, allowing you to open and quickly review the lease documents.

Value: We can deploy REMBASE for far less than a big 4 COTS solution, and will deliver a far more efficient product.

Case Study

Pattillo Construction and Management (Stone Mountain, GA) is largest private industrial property owner in the southeastern US. Pattillo had Lease and Property Excel files scattered across its network. They wanted to replace these with a centralized and automated system to work with their Timberline Property Management system and GL. Pattillo had tried off the shelf solutions without success because of their unique and demanding needs that these systems did not meet. They contracted with us, we added major enhancements to our base product, we had the system in production in 2 months, and in 4 months it was running perfectly with everything they wanted. It’s been in production and near flawless since 2002, now in an efficient Citrix environment that allows inexpensive netbook vs notebook usage. We far exceeded their expectations, on budget. No user manual was necessary, because it’s easy to use. Pattillo is a much leaner, more efficient and better informed company because of their switch from XL. We added tremendous value to their company.

In researching and deploying reporting solutions, most CRE companies spend hundreds of hours analyzing proposals, building specs, processing change orders, and in the end get what most of their competition has. Pattillo had researched these COTS solutions before meeting us. After a 30 minute demo at a Realcomm trade show, they knew our flexible CRE SQL database structure could work. We got started a week later with our ‘cancel at anytime’ contract. We built the model on our server, and moved it to their server 30 days later. 3 months later we were mostly done. After we entered production, Pattillo entered both complaints and new feature requests in the built in request log, efficiently documenting and quickly resolving over 450 change requests. This log automates actionable communication within the team, eliminates meetings and inefficient verbal communication, and facilitates the ongoing pursuit of the more efficient process. We built REMBASE together over the Internet using a gotomeeting like tool, and we first visited their Georgia HQ after perfect execution. We made REMBASE accessible to maintenance workers, increasing efficiency by requiring fewer trips to the main office, and we automated their time card and billing process via seamless linkage to work orders, down to changing the locks or HVAC filters. We prioritized and documented their actions and and processes via our integrated work flow tool, including new tenant move-in, lease modification, property sale, space available, lease renewal. Pattillo’s website’s vacant space availability and features come from REMBASE. In January and February, 2009, we retooled REMBASE to account for Pattillo’s new management structure. It’s been a fun, exciting and ongoing journey. They love it and they depend on it. 2002 - Present. Call Lisa Rhudy, 770 200 3643.

NAIOP (National Association of Industrial and Office Parks), Herndon, VA. We deployed the workflow / process module for NAIOP for enhanced planning and logistics. Since 2000.

We also automated the XL files of a fortune 500 super regional mall operator, including all budgeting, variance reporting, occupancy schedules, sales reports, cam, tax and food court year ends, 10K and Q lease expiration, straight line rents. 1994 - 2005.

Client Relationship - How to work with us

Model Client: (1) over 150 leases ... (2) dissatisfied with existing XL reporting ... (3) Motivated user(s) who wants to get involved ... (4) Hands on Management - Demanding client ... Potential clients include Hedge Fund or other private RE Owner wanting superb reporting at a reasonable cost, or Public REIT.

Client Involvement: The primary success driver is the commitment and hands on involvement of one or more knowledgeable and motivated lead analyst(s) in the client's organization, who understands the reporting details, and wants to help build an alternative to XL. Their buy-in and leadership will overcome the natural and common resistance to a new and better way of doing things.

Optional Roles: We can help direct your Finance, Lease Administration , and IT departments.

How We Bill - 3 Ways:

1. Deployment related consulting fees, billed monthly in arrears.
2. Perfect Execution Bonus, billed upon completion. This fee also includes the cost of the software.
3. Annual Retainer Fee.

How to Get Started:

1. Initial Contact / Proposal : Call me to see if our services may fit your needs, 703 731 2351. If there's a potential fit, we'll visit your offices, gather your requirements and reporting needs, and deliver a proposal for your review. We can do this remotely if you prefer.

2. Proposal Acceptance / No Risk Contract: If you want to move forward, sign our no risk contract, allowing you to cancel at anytime. Since we bill 30 days in arrears, there's no risk, as you will know within 30 days if we're the right fit or not. If you cancel, you've lost only the part time efforts of your analyst.

3. 30 Day Test Drive with Your Data: Upon contract execution, email me XL sheets for 2-3 sample properties: Rent rolls, current and future contractual rent steps (MIN, CAM, TAX, ELE, Util, etc.), Lease Options / Terms (Options to renew, terminate, expand, other provisions), expense clause detail (base year / stops, Yr to Yr, etc., TAX, CAM, INSUR expenses by year), Lease Abstract, Property Abstract. Within 30 days, we will build a beta REMBASE model w/ this data for your review (with aliased property and lease names if you prefer). via a remote vpn server connection.

3 Phase Deployment:

Phase 1, Test drive, 1st 30 days, see above. via remote connection or on site. If you cancel prior to the initial 30 day billing, you are out nothing but your time. The beta will reside on an external server, that can be relocated to your on site server on demand.

Phase 2, Deployment / Production Phase, 4 mos - 12 mos, 3 location options (we prefer b or c) :

a . We can continue to do this remotely, via a gotomeeting like tool.
b. On site, at your offices.
c. Together at a 3rd location.

Phase 3, Support Phase: We are available via cell phone / email / VPN / On site, and provide a 24 hour turnaround, w/ most requests honored / remedied in 1 hour.

Technical TEAM

Bob Vaeth: Software developer, owner since 1994. Bob built the Patillo model solo. Bob built and supported all the finance / budget / year end / sales modeling for Mills. Bob is a graduate of Dartmouth College, lives with his wife in Falls Church Virginia. His 2 children graduated from Virginia colleges in Spring 2009. He is an avid snowboarder and cyclist (and author here).

Sri Pabbathi (Optional) : Sri is an experienced and solid database and web developer. He is familiar with PM and GL's Skyline, MRI, Timberline and Oracle/JDE real estate systems, and knows all aspects of real estate operations and finance. He has also built inventory tracking / logistics operations for Talbots. He is extremely intelligent and level headed. He has a JD degree from George Mason Law School in Virginia, but does not practice. Sri lives in Orlando, FL with his wife and son.

Client Team Member: If someone on your existing team wants to become technically involved in the process, we'd be glad to teach them. Bill Gates said that someday everyone would learn Visual Basic. That never happened, but here is your chance. We could also bring in a new younger member who is VB/Database smart, technically savvy, and wants to learn CRE reporting.

Finance Gurus: If you want us to bring in outside team players who know this product, we can do that.

Netbooks: If you chose the Citrix / Netbook route, it is not difficult to engage outside expertise.

Commitment - Investment

We will consider making investments in our clients' real estate portfolio or properties, either directly or via a reduced fee structure, especially in a 2009 fund that takes advantage of the current low CRE values, and where our involvement can enhance value.